JSObfu is a Javascript obfuscator written in Ruby, using the rkelly-remix library. The point is to obfuscate beyond repair, by randomizing as much as possible and removing easily-signaturable string constants.
To use JSObfu in your project, just add the following line to your Gemfile:
gem 'jsobfu'
Or, to install JSObfu on to your system, run:
$ gem install jsobfu
Generated documentation is hosted on Github.
Example Usage
Obfuscating a Javascript string in ruby:
require 'jsobfu'
source = %Q|
// some sample javascript code, to demonstrate usage:
this.send_websocket_request = function(address, callback) {
// create the websocket and remember when we started
try {
var socket = new WebSocket('ws://'+address);
} catch (sec_exception) {
if (callback) callback('error', sec_exception);
var try_payload = function(){
// wait a sec, then start the checks
setTimeout(check_socket, WS_CHECK_INTERVAL);
puts JSObfu.new(source).obfuscate
Will produce something that looks like:
this[((function () { var A="st",K="ket_reque",P="_send_webs",Z="oc"; return P+Z+K+A }
)())]=function(\u006b,U){var e;try{var B;var B=new window[(function () { var G="t",Rr
="e",C="We",$="bSock"; return C+$+Rr+G })()]((function () { var R9='/',x='s:/',xe='w'
; return xe+x+R9 })()+k);} catch(a){if(U)U((function () { var b='or',cF='r',E='e',f='
r'; return E+f+cF+b })(),a);return;}var e=function(){window[(function () { var t="e",
L="pProb",j="T",z="c"; return j+z+L+t })()][((function () { var zp="d",D="sen"; retur
n D+zp })())]((function () { var KL="AAAAAAAAAAAA",y6="AAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; return y6+KL
1,0x41,0101,0x41,0101,0101));};setTimeout(this[((function () { var TF="et",D="k",B="c
heck_s",S="oc"; return B+S+D+TF })())],('Mcc'.length*51+47));};
Encode from the command line:
$ cat source.js | jsobfu 3
Options for obfuscation iterations and global object names can be passed:
JSObfu.new(blah).obfuscate(iterations: 3, global: 'this')
Development Environment
Setting up is easy:
$ cd jsobfu
$ bundle install
Generating documentation
$ yard && yard server --port 9999
Then open http://localhost:9999 in your browser.
Running specs
$ rake spec
To run without integration specs, set INTEGRATION=false
as an environment variable.